2018 Airstream Almanac available now Published Feb. 26, 2019 By Eric M. White 910th Airlift Wing Public Affairs YOUNGSTOWN AIR RESERVE STATION, Ohio -- The 910th Airlift Wing's public affairs office recently published the 2018 Airstream Almanac magazine in both print and digital editions. The Airstream Almanac is a 32-page annual publication offering news stories, features, commentaries, photos and information from the 910th Airlift Wing. Print copies of the magazine will be distributed to the installation's Reserve Citizen Airmen during the March Unit Training Assembly while the digital version is accessible at the following link: https://www.youngstown.afrc.af.mil/Portals/12/documents/2018%20Airstream%20Almanac%20Web%20Version.pdf?ver=2019-02-26-135159-927