AFRC Surgeon General visits YARS Published Oct. 14, 2020 By Staff Sgt. Juliet Louden 910th Airlift Wing Public Affairs YOUNGSTOWN AIR RESERVE STATION, Ohio -- The Air Force Reserve’s 910th Airlift Wing welcomed Col. Teresa Bisnett, Air Force Reserve Command surgeon general, and Chief Master Sgt. Regina Buckhalter, ARFC medical enlisted force chief for a visit on Sept. 12, 2020, here. Bisnett was at YARS as part of a tour to visit all medical squadrons across AFRC. The main highlight of Bisnett’s visit was to examine the virtual tele-Psychological Health Assessment process that was designed and implemented by the 910th Medical Squadron. The design was created in response to the physical restrictions put in place due to COVID-19. “The virtual tele-PHA process made it possible to maintain IMR (individual medical readiness) in support of continued mission readiness,” said Col. Colleen E. Kelley, 910th Medical Squadron Commander. “The process was so successful it was shared with all other medical squadrons across the AFRC. Col. Bisnett wanted to see in practice what they saw on paper.” Additionally, Bisnett participated in using the trauma SimMAN, which creates simulations to assess what would need to be done in a critical medical situation. “The SimMan helps improve the training of our Airmen stateside before they are deployed,” said Kelley. Kelley also discussed with Bisnett the 910th Medical Squadron's future plan of installing a Sim View lab at YARS. “A Sim View lab emulates what happens in an actual air theatre hospital,” said Kelley. “It simulates assessments for critically-ill patients and uses actual sounds such as things exploding around the Airmen. Most importantly, the lab creates scenarios that train Airmen to be prepared in a real-life scenario and cut down the risk of PTSD.”