Feb. 11, 2025 Brothers in Arms: 307th Defenders selected as cadre for Integrated Defense Leadership Course It’s no accident Tech. Sgt. Anfernee Morgan and Staff Sgt. Gage Babbs earned simultaneous cadre positions this year at the Integrated Defense Leadership Course, an Air Force Reserve Program that prepares Security Forces personnel for combat environments.
Oct. 6, 2023 Air Force Reserve concludes exercise in Indo-Pacific The 22nd Air Force conducted a two-week long exercise, with more than 15 units participating in this year’s Rally in the Pacific exercise, Sept. 9-23, 2023. The exercise was held in the Indo-Pacific region, primarily Guam, Palau and the Philippines, with the main operating location out of Pohakuloa
May 8, 2023 Reserve transitions to Defense Travel System Air Force Reserve Command is continuing steps to prepare for the transition to a single travel management system which, when completed Oct. 1, 2023, will mark a transformational effort for the command.
March 21, 2023 From students to cadre Security forces Defenders from multiple units across Air Force Reserve Command participated in a four-mile ruck march on March 6, 2023, at Boston Mill, Cuyahoga Valley National Park, Ohio.
Dec. 22, 2022 Youngstown ARS in Ohio selected as next Air Force Reserve location to receive C-130Js Secretary of the Air Force Frank Kendall selected Youngstown Air Reserve Station, Ohio, as the preferred location to replace its eight C-130Hs with eight C-130Js.
Feb. 10, 2022 910th hosts AFRC director of staff Dawn B. Androsky, director of staff with Headquarters Air Force Reserve Command, toured YARS to gain information from Reserve Citizen Airmen and civilian employees to better understand the needs of the installation, Feb. 6, 2022.
June 15, 2021 New 910th commander comes home The Reserve Citizen Airmen of the 910th Airlift Wing welcomed back Col. Jeff “VD” Van Dootingh as the unit’s 28th commander during an assumption of command ceremony, June 6, 2021, at Youngstown Air Reserve Station.
March 24, 2021 910th Airmen visited by AFRC top leadership Lt. Gen. Richard W. Scobee, Chief of the Air Force Reserve Command and Commander of the Air Force Reserve, and Chief Master Sgt. Timothy C. White Jr., the Senior Enlisted Advisor to the Chief of Air Force Reserve and Command Chief Master Sergeant of Air Force Reserve Command visited Youngstown Air
Oct. 21, 2020 C-130s travel to Barksdale for aerial spray pest insect control efforts C-130 Hercules aircraft assigned to the 910th Airlift Wing at Youngstown Air Reserve Station, Vienna, Ohio, taxis on the flight line at Barksdale Air Force Base, La., Oct. 19, 2020. The AFRC’s 910th AW came to Barksdale to support the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) by providing unique
March 14, 2020 COVID-19: Important Information for Reserve Citizen Airmen In an effort to inform Reserve Citizen Airmen and their families with facts on COVID-19 effects, Air Force Reserve leaders encourage all to visit the Air Force’s COVID-19 web page for the latest on the virus and how it is effecting the service. The site contains the latest DoD and Air Force